Friday, November 6, 2009

Jogja Java Carnival 2009

Jogja Java Carnival Glorious Party in the City

Jogja Java Carnival Glorious Party CityHow many times you'll see a carnival in your life? For me, there is only one. It happened yesterday evening at Jogja Java Carnival (JJC), I was a fan for a parade. It is worth enough to wait more than an hour carnival. "Hello, I miss my old-time hero. I called Java Superhero Gatutkaca," I said to myself. You know, sometimes a carnival every hero there to attract people to come. Carnival is like a gateway to remind me again, nothing less. This is such a good time to Reunion, as were young. There is no daily routine. There is no traffic jam, you should pass. There is no need to pay the bill. Life is so much fun and everyday is a holiday. Is not that so?

In JJC at least 1000 artists in the South came to Jogjakarta and Solo. Festival held to mark the 253rd Birthday Jogjakarta City. It is said that there was a big parade of the royal family while they are moving, I Sultan, New Palace, it was 253 years ago. Hundreds of soldiers, servants of the Prince and Princess Ambarketawang moved to the Palace to Palace Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat. But now it is replaced by the art of carnival. Artist parade dressed up and acting seem like a strange creature, it seems strange but beautiful details. Yes, the whole street became a theater stage. Dynamic movement, colorful fashion, unique wardrobe and a good rhythm, music was a parade of South Street. Abu Bakar Ali carnival started the car park, and terminating the Alun-Alun Utara. Brings together 22 artists, some of which use a large vehicle, some were walking and the other was used for cycling. Most interested in was a big 'wayang' puppet shadow play, it puts a large truck, was a woman standing near wayang, another woman had to sit down with a cloth painting of white wax.

At 7, the parade moved on. It is time for you more and more tension, if you look at Carnival. Give your living room for more Breathe deeply and pleasantly be socialized. And it is boring for a little chit chat with others. As the JJC, the little boy sat closed. He told me that his father, "Dad, do you know how the appearance of a giant puppet. Is it a green, yellow or purple? Is it scary?" The man behind is definitely not understand what is meant by her boyfriend. "Yes, it can be. Or, as the last carnival. But it's not scary. This is funny." I just imagine that the carnival together and make them little debate. Suddenly, a group of queer dance was from the south, they sang "Play para waria membangun Yogyakarya tercinta (we have a fag with a built in Jogjakarta city)." They wore kebaya, Indonesian women dress in modern style. Their dance was so proud of the high heels!
more artikles>>>>>

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Festifal Yogyakarta Yogyakarta (FKY) 2009

Seni Gelar Festifal Yogyakarta Yogyakarta (FKY) 2009
Masyarakat sangat antusias menyaksikan Festifal Kesenian Yogyakarta 2009

Festifal Kesenian Yogyakarta (FKY) 2009 adalah sebuah acara reguler yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun sekali. FKY 2009 ini mengambil tema Golong Gilig diselenggarakan di Benteng Vredeberg Jalan Malioboro, 7 hingga 30 Juni 2009. Seni dalam festifal ini melayani beragam berbagai kerajinan, seni dan Yogyakarta. Selain itu, setiap malam juga menjabat sebagai seni khas jogjakrta ketoprak, tayup dan balet.

Http:// kampanye dilakukan di sekitar jalan Malioboro. Dua Orang yang terlihat Pakaian Khas wayang yang tengah melakukan kegiatan Kampanye di FKY 2009
Pengunjung promiscuous batik di salah satu stand FKY 2009
Batik menjadi daya tarik bagi pengunjung. Terlihat pengunjung memilih Batik Kanigoro di salah satu stand FKY 2009
Menulis batik Kulon Progo menampilkan berbagai motif batik di FKY 2009. Batik dan kegiatan usaha di Kulon Progo yang tersendat akibat Gempa di tahun 2006. sekarang kegiatan Batik Kulon Progo mulai bangkit kembali. Selain kerajinan, batik, dan seni, FKY 2009 juga menunjukkan hasil karya anak-anak sekolah. salah satu peserta pameran SDN 3 Sedayu menampilkan berbagai karya siswa seperti lukisan.
Seni Lukis mendapatkan tempat tersendiri di FKY 2009. Dalam FKY 2009 terdapat pelukis yang menawarkan hasil nya. Selain itu, seniman ini menawarkan layanan lukisan wajah.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Monggo, Brown's Jogja Unik

Monggo, Brown's Jogja Unik

5 Mei 2009 oleh jogjakini

Ada unik coklat dibuat di Yogyakarta bule laki-laki. Nama, Cokelat Monggo. It's pas, kemasan ini juga khas Gudeg. Awal kisahnya, pada tahun 2001, asing asal seorang lelaki bernama Thierry Detournay Belgia, kunjungan ke Yogya. Sebagai warga Belgia menggilai tinggi kualitas kakao, cokelat Thierry sulit untuk memenuhi seleranya.
Coklat Monggo: camell

Coklat Monggo: camell
Coklat Monggo: gelap

Coklat Monggo: gelap

Thierry mulai membuat coklat. Jenis truffle coklat dan coklat-kecil. "Teman berkata, saya dibuat lezat coklat dan belum pernah mencoba sebagai coklat. Dalam Belgia, saya tidak pernah mengambil pelatihan meracik coklat dengan ahli," ujar Thiery yang fasih berbahasa Indonesia.

Kemudian, dia bertemu Edward Riando Picasauw alias Edo setuju dan menekuni bisnis coklat. "Modal cuma Rp 150 juta," kenangnya. Mereka telah menjual Vespa digunakan di dalam gereja sebelum akhirnya membuka toko.

Tak disangka, penjualan perilaku mereka. "Akhirnya kami membuat CV Anugerah Mulia dan label Cokelat Monggo." Nama ini sengaja dipilih karena sangat mudah diingat dan dekat dengan masyarakat Indonesia.

Konsep rasa Timur dan Barat berhasil dijalankan dan Thierry Edo. Salah satu produk yang sangat baik Cokelat Monggo Dark Chocolate.

"Kami menggunakan 58% tanpa kokoa campuran minyak sayur, sehingga benar-benar coklat." Aneka variasi dibuat. Salah satu praline jambu mete sebagai keras untuk mendapatkan disini kemiri atau walnut.

Ayah satu anak ini untuk memastikan, kualitas coklat sepon racikannya tidak bersaing dengan asal Eropa, yang sangat populer favor. "Kami tidak membuat pengawet, semua alam. Proses ini juga berbeda. Tidak semua orang dapat melakukannya."

Pada saat ini, setiap hari Thierry dibantu 55 karyawan dan dapat menghasilkan hingga 1.000 coklat, baik bentuk dan kemasan batangan khusus. Semua adonan masih dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang menikah dengan perempuan asli Solo.

Proses pembuatan masih dilakukan secara manual dengan Thierry. Semua cokelat diproduksi dalam rumah kecil di kawasan Kotagede. Keunikan pembuatan Thiery terletak pada kemasannya. Mengusung konsep ramah lingkungan, dikemas dengan kertas daur ulang coklat berdesain khas.

"Kami memiliki desainer grafis sendiri. Konsep sederhana, mungkin karena Yogya. Jika di Jakarta, kemasan lebih mewah, sedangkan untuk pasar Bali, Bali penari gambar," kata Thiery, juga menerima pesanan khusus seperti untuk hadiah perkawinan, atau Natal valentine. (Yeta Angelina)

Nb: Kisaran mulai Rp.10 ribu hingga Rp. 20 ribu.

Sumber: diterbitkan: Selasa, 6 Januari 2009


Ditulis Oleh Oleh di Jogja, Jogja Pariwisata | terkait Jogja, Jogja Oleh Oleh, pariwisata | 5 Komentar



Special Region of Yogyakarta (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, DIY) is officially one of Indonesia's 32 provinces. Yogyakarta is one of the leading cultural center of Java. This area is located at the foot of Mount Merapi on, Yogyakarta on 16. And in the 17 century. Chairs from a powerful kingdom of Mataram Yogyakarta that this day has been the best legacy of tradition. The city itself has a special charm, which seldom fails to captivate the visitor.

This province is one of the most densely population region in Indonesia. Coming to a city that is in 1755, after the division of Mataram Sultanates to Yogyakarta and Surakarta (Solo). Gamelan, classical and contemporary Javanese dances, wayang kulit (leather puppet), theater and traditional expressions of art will remain the visitor spellbound. Local craftsmen excel in arts such as batik, silver and leather work. In the traditional, contemporary art has found fertile soil in Yogya-oriented culture. ASRI, the Academy of Fine Arts is a center of arts and Yogyakarta itself has given its name to important school of art, modern painting in Indonesia, perhaps best personified by famed Indonesian impressionist, late Affandi.

Yogyakarta is often called the main gateway to Central Java as a place that is located geographically. It stretches from Mount Merapi to the Indian Ocean. There is daily air service to Yogya from Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali as well as regular train service and easy accessibility by road. Yogyakarta is generally regarded as modern cultural of Central Java. Although some may be better as a runner-up Solo, Yogyakarta remains the clear front-runner for traditional dance, Wayang (traditional puppetry) and music.

Yogyakarta has more than just culture though. He is a very exciting life, and from shopper. The main road, Malioboro, always crowded and famous night because the food street vendors and culture. Many tourist shops and cheap hotels are concentrated along this street or in tourist areas such as communicating Malioboro Street.

The key attraction of Yogyakarta is' Kraton (Palace of the Sultan). Sultan's palace is the center of Yogya traditional modernity and progress, although, still emanates the spirit of improvement, which has become a sign of Yogya's art for centuries. This decomposition knowledgeable building complex built in the 18 century, and in fact is a city located in the city with luxurious pavilions and in which the current Sultan still. Yogyakarta is also the only major city, which is the traditional 'Becak' (rickshaw-style) transport.

Special Region of Yogyakarta is geographically located almost equidistant from Indonesia's most important of the two international gateways, about 600 km from Jakarta, 1000 km from Bali. Yogyakarta also has a very good relationship of transportation by bus, train or plane for the rest of Java, Sumatra, Bali and Lombok. Adisucipto Yogyakarta airport is in the process of changing its status to receive not only in the country 'flight from Bali and Jakarta, but also direct charter and scheduled flights from other countries.

Geographically, Yogyakarta Special Province is located in the southern part of Central Java and lies between 7 degree 33 'and 8 degree 12', the height between the South and 110 degrees 50 'East Longitude. Some districts in Central Java Province is located around the borders of administrative areas:
South East: District Wonogiri
East: Kabupaten Klaten
Northwest: Regency Magelang
West: District Purworejo
Ocean that borders the southern part of Indonesia Yogyakarta city. On the border that stretches from the sea west to east is about 100 km long, starting from Congot Beach in Kulon Progo Regency and ended at the beach Sadeng in Gunung Kidul Regency.

Because of the location, Yogyakarta is a strategic position for economic activities in the network and in the tourist destination. Special region of Yogyakarta is located on the road axis from some major tourist destination, Jakarta and West Java to the west, north of Central Java, East Java and Bali east. This is connected by rail, road and air to other services in Indonesia.

Climate and Weather in Yogyakarta
Daily temperature average is between 26 degrees and 28 degrees Celsius with a minimum of 18 degrees C and a maximum of 35 degrees C respectively. Average humidity is 74% with a minimum of 65% and a maximum of 84% each. Special Region of Yogyakarta is placed about 7 south of the equator and a bath in the tropical sun during the year. This area has a tropical climate the daily atmosphere feels a little hot and humid. This is only two seasons in the year, the wet or rainy season and dry season. Wet season usually starts in September and take about August. Generally there is no rainfall from May to August and there fore the atmosphere feels hot and humid in the day and cold at night and early morning. Monthly rain fall Yogyakarta varies between 3mm and 496mm in which those above 300mm take place during the months January to April. Heaviest rainfall that typically occurs in February while the lowest usually occur between May and October each year the average rainfall of 1900 mm.

Population Yogyakarta
Based on 2000, the population of Yogyakarta Special Region was 3,311,812. City of 461,800 inhabitants spread over 32.50 kilometers or the average population density is even more 14,200 people per square kilometer. Most populous district is in Gunung Kidul regency which has 720.643 inhabitants and covers 1485 square kilometers, or 485 level density persons per square kilometer. Since long ago, the province of Yogyakarta and its surroundings have been filled decently.
The majority of the population Yogyakarta Java is a language derived from ancient Sanskrit. However, as Yogyakarta is considered "academic city in Indonesia" as the center for many universities, many of the residents are students who come from all over Indonesia to study.

Culture of Yogyakarta
Budaya Yogyakarta province with special status as an area that is located in the southern part of Central Java, the heartland of Javanese culture. As a former capital and the center of several kingdoms in the past, this region and the people are very rich with different cultures. This is widely known to the historical record of that civilization, art and culture has been developing well in the middle of the people in each kingdom of Ancient Mataram Kingdom (8 .- 10th Century) era, the second Kingdom of Mataram (17 .- 18 . Century) and Sultanate Ngayogyokarto from the mid 18 Century. on this day.

Please note that the cultural heritage of the past including the magnificent temple, the ruins of palaces and monasteries, many kinds of traditions, cultural events, folk and traditional performing arts, traditional architecture and other activities. It is important to note that this is all part of the cultural life of the city of Yogyakarta, color activity daily living and behavior of local people, especially people with a traditional Javanese way of life and customs. Therefore, because the wealth of culture and heritage, Yogyakarta has long been known as place of birth of Javanese culture.

Another name for the legendary city of Yogyakarta, in between the elders and the younger generation of City Arts and Culture. Traditional and modern exhibitions are held almost every day and night about the art of theater, mime, music, dance, classical and contemporary dance, poetry, and other people who flows in the heart of the city. Even more, there are many cultural events, such as Sekaten, gunungan, Labuhan, Malioboro Fair, etc, that make this city have a nil

Kami pertama secangkir cappucino

Kami pertama secangkir cappucino ...

Dian dan cappucino

Kota ini merupakan cerita, kumpulan kata, tidak hanya di kota, ruangan dan berdiri sejajar dengan jalan. Kota ini kaya dalam kenangan dari kehidupan lulus, budaya mengidentitas, peristiwa yang sedang berjalan, angka pada pekerjaan, masyarakat akar, jalan, dan rasa dan gaya di sudut kota. Kota ini keberadaan cerita, cerita kata kota kepada kita. Tinggal di kota, sebuah kisah pahit manisnya hidup, mengatakan bahwa tempat untuk kenangan yang timbul dari cerita kehidupan grafik percikan dari ruang di sudut kota.

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